Sunday, September 27, 2009


Here we go again. Here I am again. I am currently watcheing htese crappy movies so that I can cry!!! Yeah stupid! I know but the work psychotherapist told me that i do not reflect my inner feelings on my outside appearance. We only met once and this person thinks that she got me all figuered out. (btw I only attend these sessions to earn the extra bucks, no more). Anyways i decided to start knowing my self better and I wanted to start with the things which piss me off the most.
Last week I did something which I do not normally do - I listened to the radio. WOW!! It was like 7.30 in the morning and I was tuned on the traffic report and at the moment the presenter was asking the correspondent why there was so much traffic on our streets so early in the morning. I though " Oh my God, this cannot be true." I just couldnt believe my ears. People get freaken paid for asking dumb questions and answering them. They could have asked me and they would have had a cheaper and more efficient service. This would be something i would say if i was the presenter:

" Good morning people, I hope you are enjoying being stuck in the traffic this morning and I bet you are asking yourselves while honking your horns why they hack it is taking so long to arrive at work. Well dumb ass its 7.30 in the morning and everybody decided to get on the road at the same freaking time. You don;t have to be a genius to notice that."