Wednesday, June 10, 2009

And then there was light, or no?

When you hear the phrase "candle light" the first picture which pops into your mind is having a romantic evening with your better half. In my case it doesn't.

Last night I arrived from work with my blood boiling through my veins from a hard shift and literally bruised while trying my best to keep my cool. Well seeing that with all the adrenaline pumped up in my system I still had the energy to get some work done at home. I thought "Ohh well, the first I'm gonna do is to send those emails I have been planning long ago to send, start my assignment, clean up all the mess in my room accumulated during the exams period and finally I could sit down and relax in front of the T.V. watching my favourite show. Guess what?

I arrived home and found out that half of our town had no electric supply. I live in the dark half obviously!! So my plans where miserably shattered.

No internet = cannot send those emails.

No electricity = cannot switch on the computer to start working on that dreaded assignment (which btw is due Monday)

No T.V. = cannot watch my show

One could say that at least I could clean up my room, all I have to do is light up a few candles. Tried that, been there. It worked obviously but in a way which I did not plan. After a few minutes, I've set on fire loads of papers and I don't wish to end up with my room blazing again. Well, you have to be me believe me. So I ended up on floor in the hallway, reading a book in candle light and it wasn't romantic. Why? I had my dog near me snoring out loudly, very, very loudly (actually i recorded her, snoring I mean), hungry cats shouting outside, teenagers having fun setting on cars' alarms and proud that they will not be caught and the occasional negligent driver going full speed through a ghost town and breaking loudly at every intersection.

Anyways, while I was in the middle of all the snoring, meowing, and breaking, i thought how the hell people could live through centuries without electricity and we cannot even survive for at least 1 night in the dark.

On the plus side though, it was nice for once in a while to have a look at the skies above and actually be able to see the starts.